Take A Peak Signature Event
Tour Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 - 15:30
Cherokee Ranch & Castle - Outside Dancing, Dinner and Castle Tour in the Colorado Foothills. What's better than spectacular mountain views? Square dancing to Bill Eyler's calling and eating a delicious dinner while checking out the spectacular mountain views! This signature event includes bus transportation from the host hotel, buffet BBQ dinner (with gluten free, vegetarian, and vegan options), beer and wine cash bar, docent led tours of Cherokee Castle, and dancing under the Colorado evening sky. Due to the overwhelming response, we were able to increase the capacity for the signature event, but please note that it is currently sold out. Please sign up for our waiting list if you'd like to be contacted if space becomes available.
Tour Length: 6:00
Fee TypeTour FeeFee Valid ThruDescription
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Take A Peak Signature Event Attendee
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Manual Payment for Ropin the River 2019 - Recycle the River

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Manual Payment for Ropin the River 2019 - Recycle the River

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Manual Payment for Ropin the River 2019 - Recycle the River

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Manual Payment for Latch on C3A 2019

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Manual Payment for Latch on C3A 2019

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PayPal Payment for Ropin the River 2020

Automated Entry, payment(s) for Richard Sehnert
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Manual Payment for Latch on C3A 2019

2528075880 bill pay
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Manual Payment for Catch C2 2019

Transferred from Georgian Spata
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