PayPal Payment for Ropin the River 2020 - Swing and Mix the Holidays

Automated Entry, payment(s) for Kathryn Millis
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PayPal Payment for SWING THRU THE PALMS #11

Automated Entry, payment(s) for Joel Mark
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PayPal Payment for SWING THRU THE PALMS #11

Automated Entry, payment(s) for Joseph Iser
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Manual Payment for Houston, We Have A Promenade

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PayPal Payment for Belles Walk: Women’s Walking Tour

Automated Entry, payment(s) for Nadine Posner
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Belles Walk: Women’s Walking Tour
Tour Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 - 10:00
This special women’s only event features a guided exploration of notable women in Denver history. This walking tour will last approximately two hours and will cover about 2.5-3 miles. Tour participants should come prepared to walk at a moderate pace. Please bring water, sunscreen, and an excitement for meeting other women attending Convention! The tour will conclude at the historic Renaissance Hotel for additional sights of interest as well as beverages and light snacks. Note: This event is intended for women-identified attendees only.
Tour Length: 3:00
Fee TypeTour FeeFee Valid ThruDescription
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Women's Walking Tour
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PayPal Payment for Take A Peak Signature Event

Automated Entry, payment(s) for Mick Watkins
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PayPal Payment for Take a Peak

Automated Entry, payment(s) for Mick Watkins
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Automated Entry, payment(s) for Marty Nemeth
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PayPal Payment for Take a Peak

Automated Entry, payment(s) for James Baily
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